Sharbē medem men qlisastiqē (after 652) (Bibliography)
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Suermann, Harald: Orientalische Christen und der Islam. Christliche Texte aus der Zeit von 632-750. In: ZMR 67 (1983), 120-136; 130-131.
Hoyland, Robert G.: Seeing Islam as others saw it. A survey and evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian writings on early Islam. Princeton: The Darwin, 1997. pp. 182-189.
Robinson, C. F.: The conquest of Khuzistan: a historiographical reassessment. In: BSOAS 67 (2004), 14-40.
Teule, Herman G. B.: The Chronicle of Khuzistan. In: Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 1 (600-900). Eds. David Thomas, Barbara Roggema. Leiden: Brill, 2009. pp. 130-132.
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