Lutz Edzard (1962-) (Bibliography)
Åkesson, Joyce: Arabic Morphology and Phonology. Leiden: Brill, 2017. Rez.: L. Edzard: OLZ 115 (2020), 354–355.
Aoun, Joseph, Elabbas Benmamoun und Lina Choueiri: The Syntax of Arabic. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2010. Rez.: L. Edzard: OLZ 107 (2012), 399–400.
Ayoub, Georgine und Jérôme Lentin (Ed.): Cahiers de linguistique de l’INALCO 2003–2005/5. Linguistique arabe. Paris: Publications O’, 2008. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 162 (2012), 223–214.
Bernards, Monique: Changing Traditions. Al-Mubarrad’s Refutation of Sībawayh and the Subsequent Reception of the Kitāb. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Rev.: L. Edzard: JIS 11 (2000), 366–368.
Bohas, Georges und Karim Bachmar: Les étymons en arabe. Analyse formelle et sémantique. Beirut: Dar el-Machreq éditeurs, 2013. Rez.: L. Edzard: JAOS 135 (2015), 658.
Bohas, Georges: Matrices et étymons. Développements de la théorie. Lausanne: Éditions du Zèbre, 2000. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZAL 42 (2003), 86–88.
Borg, Alexander: Glossary of Cypriote Arabic. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2004. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 158 (2008), 162–164.
Carter, Michael G.: Sibawayhi. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004. Rez.: L. Edzard: OLZ 101 (2006), 517-520.
Deutscher, Guy: Syntactic Change in Akkadian. The Evolution of Sentential Complementation. Oxford: Oxford University, 2000. Rev.: L. Edzard: JSS 48 (2003), 129–131.
Diem, Werner (Ed.): The Living and the Dead in Islam. Studies in Arabic Epitaphs. I: Epitaphs as Texts. III. Indices. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2004; Schöller, Marco (Ed.): The Living and the Dead in Islam. Studies in Arabic Epitaphs, Volume Two: Epitaphs in Context. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2004. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZAL 48 (2008), 91-93.
Diem, Werner: Translokative Verben im Arabischen. Eine diachronische Untersuchung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002. Rez.: L. Edzard: Arabica 51 (2004), 382-384.
Edzard, Lutz (Ed.): Arabic and Semitic Linguistics Contextualized. A Festschrift for Jan Retsö. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2015.
Edzard, Lutz (Ed.): Bible Translations – Linguistic and Cultural Issues. Proceedings of the Erlangen Workshop on October 5 and 6, 2018. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2021.
Edzard, Lutz (Ed.): Semitic and Afroasiatic: Challenges and Opportunities. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012.
Edzard, Lutz (Ed.): The Morpho-Syntactic and Lexical Encoding of Tense and Aspect in Semitic Proceedings of the Erlangen Workshop on April 26, 2014. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016.
Edzard, Lutz and Adolf Köhnken: A new look at the Greek, Syriac, and Arabic versions of Aristotle’s Poetics. In: Grammar as a Window onto Arabic Humanism. A collection of articles in honour of Michael G. Carter. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Janet Watson. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. P. 222–264.
Edzard, Lutz and Christian Szyska (Ed.): Encounters of Words and Texts. Intercultural Studies in Honor of Stefan Wild on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, March 2, 1997, Presented by His Pupils in Bonn. Hildesheim: Olms, 1997.
Edzard, Lutz and Giuliano Castagna (Ed.): South Arabia: Old Issues, New Perspectives. Proceedings of the Workshop at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg on December 19, 2019. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022.
Edzard, Lutz and Gunvor Mejdell (Ed.): High vs. Low and Mixed Varieties – Domains, Status, and Functions across Time and Language. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012.
Edzard, Lutz and Jan Retsö (Ed.): Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon I-II. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005-2006.
Edzard, Lutz and Janet Watson (Ed.): Grammar as a Window onto Arabic Humanism. A collection of articles in honour of Michael G. Carter. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006.
Edzard, Lutz and Janne Bondi Johannessen: Coordinated clause structures in Scandinavian and Semitic involving a finite verb form and an infinitive. In: Arabic and Semitic Linguistics Contextualized. A Festschrift for Jan Retsö. Ed. Lutz Edzard. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2015. 486–505.
Edzard, Lutz and John Huehnergard (Ed.): Proceedings of the Oslo–Austin Workshop in Semitic Linguistics. Oslo, May 23 and 24, 2013. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014.
Edzard, Lutz and Mohammed Nekroumi (Ed.): Tradition and Innovation in Arabic and Semitic Linguistics. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999. Rez.: S. Weninger: Mediterranean Language Review 13 (2001), 195-197; J. C. E. Watson: ZAL 41 (2002), 95-97; R. R. Ratcliffe: JNES 62 (2003), 118-119; A. S. Kaye: JAOS 121 (2001), 712-713.
Edzard, Lutz and Mohammed Nekroumi (Ed.): Understanding and Believing. A Comparative View of Theological Scriptural Hermeneutics. Berlin: EB, 2020.
Edzard, Lutz and Stephan Guth (Ed.): Verbal Festivity in Arabic and other Semitic Languages. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010.
Edzard, Lutz und Amund Bjørsnøs: Klassisch-arabische Chrestomathie aus Prosaschriftstellern. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 8., neu bearb. Aufl. 2008; Chrestomathy of Classical Arabic Prose Literature. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 8th revised edition 2008.
Edzard, Lutz und Werner Diem: Ein unhöflicher Brief und liebliche Verse. Ein Genizadokument des 11.-12. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. In: ZDMG 161 (2011), 265-304.
Edzard, Lutz, Jens W. Borgland and Ute Hüsken (Ed.): Reading Slowly. A Festschrift for Jens E. Braarvig. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018.
Edzard, Lutz, Manuel Sartori and Philippe Cassuto (Ed.): Case and Mood Endings in Semitic Languages – Myth or Reality? Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018.
Edzard, Lutz: Adjektive und nominalisierte Relativsätze im Semitischen. In: Neue Beiträge zur Semitistik. Erstes Arbeitstreffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft vom 11. bis 13. September 2000 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Hg. Norbert Nebes. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002. S. 27-37.
Edzard, Lutz: Adjektive und nominalisierte Relativsätze im Semitischen. Versuch einer Typologie. In: New Data and New Methods in Afroasiatic Linguistics. Robert Hetzron in memoriam. Ed. A. Zaborski. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001. S. 39-52.
Edzard, Lutz: Affixation; Conditional Clause; Conjugation. In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill, 2010.
Edzard, Lutz: Annexation. In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
Edzard, Lutz: Arabic allaḏī/illi as subordinators: an alternative perspective. In: Arabic in Context. Ed. Ahmad al-Jallad. Leiden: Brill, 2017. P. 212–226.
Edzard, Lutz: Arabisch, Hebräisch und Amharisch als Sprachen in modernen diplomatischen Dokumenten. Grammatikalische, lexikalische und stilistische Probleme in synchroner und diachroner Perspektive. Universität Bonn: Habil., 1999/2000; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006.
Edzard, Lutz: Arabisch; Arabismus; Gebrochener Plural; Gesunder Plural; Konsonantenschrift; Segolatum. In: Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Band 03. Historische Sprachwissenschaft. Hg. Mechthild Habermann, Ilse Wischer. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. S. ?
Edzard, Lutz: Article, indefinite (dialect); Convergence; Declension. In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol. 1. Ed. Kees Versteegh. Leiden: Brill, 2006. P. 188-191; 489–495; 559–564.
Edzard, Lutz: Biblical Hebrew. In: Semitic Languages. An International Handbook. Ed. Stefan Weninger. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. P. 480–514.
Edzard, Lutz: Chances and problems with the morpho-syntactic analysis of the Qurʾān, based on a colometric representation. In: Die Koranhermeneutik von Günter Lüling. Hg. Georges Tamer. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019. S. 187-198.
Edzard, Lutz: Classical Judeo-Arabic. In: Jewish Languages. Jewish Languages: Text specimens, grammatical, lexical, and cultural sketches. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Ofra Tirosh-Becker. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2021. P. 87–126.
Edzard, Lutz: Comparable problems in the reconstruction of ’proto-languages’ and the reconstruction of Arabic ’Urtexts’. In: Tradition and Innovation. Norm and Deviation in Arabic and Semitic Linguistics. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Mohammed Nekroumi. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999. P. 170–185.
Edzard, Lutz: Complex annexations in Semitic. In: Relative Clauses and Genitive Constructions in Semitic. Ed. Jan Retsö, Janet Watson. The University of Manchester: Oxford University, 2009. P. 51–64.
Edzard, Lutz: Complex predicates and Circumstantial Clause Combining (CCC): serial verbs and converbs in a comparative Semitic perspective. In: Strategies of Clause Linking in Semitic Languages: Proceedings of the International Symposium in Clause Linking in Semitic Languages 5–7 August 2012 in Kivik, Sweden. Ed. Bo Isaksson, Maria Persson. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. P. 207–230.
Edzard, Lutz: Die ʾiḍāfa ġayr ḥaqīqīya, der naʿt sababī und die enallagé (hypallagé) adiectivi: ein typologischer Vergleich. In: Orientalistische Studien zu Sprache und Literatur. Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Werner Diem. Hg. Ulrich Marzolph. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001. S. 9-20.
Edzard, Lutz: Die SIG7.ALAN = Nabnītu-Liste und das Konzept der semitischen Wurzel. In: ZDMG 161 (2011), 17-37.
Edzard, Lutz: Diplomatic multilingualism in the Middle East: past and present. In: Crossing Boundaries. Studies in Multi-lingualism, Linguae Franca, and Lingua Sacra. Ed. Jens Braarvig, Markham J. Geller. Berlin Open Access Publications, 2018. P. 319–336.
Edzard, Lutz: Elements of diglossia in Biblical Hebrew and Modern Hebrew. In: High vs. Low and Mixed Varieties – Domains, Status, and Functions across Time and Language. Ed. Gunvor Mejdell, Lutz Edzard. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012. P. 109–122.
Edzard, Lutz: Embedded direct speech and shifting indexicals in Semitic. In: ZDMG 171 (2021), 275–289.
Edzard, Lutz: Embedded Imperatives in Semitic, Germanic, and other Languages. In: Oslo Studies in Language 11 (2020), 1–12.
Edzard, Lutz: Externe Sprachgeschichte des Italienischen in Libyen und Ostafrika. In: Romanische Sprachgeschichte. 1. Hg. Gerhard Ernst, Martin-Dietrich Gleßgen, Christian Schmitt, Wolfgang Schweickard. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2003. S. 966–972.
Edzard, Lutz: Formulaic style. In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill, 2013
Edzard, Lutz: Genetische, typologische und religionsvermittelte Sprachverwandtschaft: das Arabische in einer vergleichenden linguistischen Perspektive. In: Folia Orientalia 49 (2012), 165-178.
Edzard, Lutz: Grammatical systems in indigenous and in foreign perspective: The case of Arabic. In: Indigenous Grammar across Cultures. Ed. Hannes Kniffka. Frankfurt: Lang, 2001. P. 317–345.
Edzard, Lutz: Hebrew, Arabic: A Comparative View. In: History of Jewish-Muslim Relations. From the Origins to the Present Day. Ed. Abdelwahab Meddeb, Benjamin Stora. ? Princeton University, 2013. P. 653–663; Hébreu, Arabe: un comparatisme. In: Histoire des relations entre juifs et musulmans des origines à nos jours. Ed. Abdelwahab Meddeb, Benjamin Stora. Paris: Albin Michel, 2013. S.653–663.
Edzard, Lutz: Injunctive protases and the grammaticalisation of elliptic conditional clauses in Semitic. In: Verbal Festivity in Arabic and other Semitic Languages. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Stephan Guth. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010. P. 74–93.
Edzard, Lutz: Inner-Semitic loans and lexical doublets vs. genetically related cognates. In: Semitic Languages in Contact. Ed. Aaron Butts. Leiden: Brill, 2015. P. 181–197.
Edzard, Lutz: Introduction: Semitic and Afroasiatic: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Semitic and Afroasiatic: Challenges and Opportunities. Ed. Lutz Edzard. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012. P. 23–58.
Edzard, Lutz: Iraqi Judeo-Arabic. In: Jewish Languages. Jewish Languages: Text specimens, grammatical, lexical, and cultural sketches. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Ofra Tirosh-Becker. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2021. P. 127–157.
Edzard, Lutz: Issues of translation in the context of diplomatic documents and diplomatic discourse involving Arabic as a source or target language. In: Philologists in the World. A Festschrift in Honour of Gunvor Mejdell. Ed. Nora S. Eggen, Rana Issa. Oslo: Novus forlag, 2017. P. 471–489.
Edzard, Lutz: La morpho-syntaxe de l’annexion, des formations compositionnelles et des syncrétismes dans les langues sémitiques modernes: analyse contrastive de nouveaux développements. In: La formation des mots dans les langues sémitiques. Ed. Philippe Cassuto, Pierre Larcher, Remo Mugnaioni. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence, 2007. S. 113–147.
Edzard, Lutz: Language as a Medium of Legal Norms: Implications of the Use of Arabic as a Language in the United Nations System. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1998.
Edzard, Lutz: Language as medium of legal norm: The topics ’war and peace’ and ’human rights’ in bi- and multilateral treaties with Arab states and organizations. In: Encounters of Words and Texts. Intercultural Studies in Honor of Stefan Wild on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, March 2, 1997, Presented by His Pupils in Bonn. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Christian Szyska. Hildesheim: Olms, 1997. P. 69–109.
Edzard, Lutz: Language contact between Arabic and modern European languages. In: Semitic Languages. An International Handbook. Ed. Stefan Weninger. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. P. 1022–1032.
Edzard, Lutz: Linguistic Contacts between the Romance and the Semitic Languages: the Cases of Libya and the Horn of Africa. In: Maǧāz. Culture e contatti nell’area del Mediterraneo. Il ruolo dell’Islam. Ed. Antonino Pellitteri. Palermo: ?, 2003. P. 219–229.
Edzard, Lutz: Linguistic features of a Judeo-Arabic text of the qiṣaṣ al-ʾanbiyāʾ genre. In: Middle Arabic and Mixed Arabic: Diachrony and Synchrony. Ed. Liesbeth Zack, Arie Schippers. Leiden: Brill, 2012. P. 83–94.
Edzard, Lutz: Logic, interrogation, and negation: the case of Classical Arabic. In: Arab and Arabic Linguistics: Traditional and New Theoretical Approaches. Ed. Manuela Giolfo. Oxford: Oxford University, 2014. P. 107–117.
Edzard, Lutz: Monogenesis and Polygenesis in Comparative Semitics and Arabic: Implications for Linguistic Change. In: Sprawozdania z Posiedzen Komisji Naukowych 42 (1998/2000), 51–54.
Edzard, Lutz: Noun; Optimality and Arabic. In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol. 2. Ed. Kees Versteegh. Leiden: Brill, 2007. P. 422–428; 491–499.
Edzard, Lutz: On the role of Modern South Arabian within a comparative Semitic lexicographical project. In: Brill Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 9 (2017), 119–138.
Edzard, Lutz: On the role of South Arabian and Ethio-Semitic within a comparative Semitic lexicographical project. In: Oslo Studies in Language 8 (2016), 457–480.
Edzard, Lutz: On the use of the terms “(anti-)Semitic” and “(anti-)Zionist” in modern Middle Eastern discourse. In: Orientalia Suecana 61 (2012), 13–19.
Edzard, Lutz: Perspektiven einer computergestützten Analyse der qur’ānischen Morpho-Syntax und Satz-Syntax in kolometrischer Darstellung. In: Arabica 50 (2003), 350-380.
Edzard, Lutz: Polygenesis, Convergence, and Entropy: An Alternative Model of Linguistic Evolution Applied to Semitic Linguistics. University Berkeley: Diss., 1992; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998.
Edzard, Lutz: Problems with postvocalic spirantization in Syriac: Cyclic rule ordering vs. ’early phonemization with paradigmatic leveling’. In: JSS 46 (2001), 77–95.
Edzard, Lutz: Pseudo-coordination, pseudo-subordination, and para-hypotaxis: a perspective from Semitic linguistics. In: Pseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement. Ed. Giuliana Giusti, Vince di Caro, Daniel Ross. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 2022. P. 231–242.
Edzard, Lutz: qāf; Truncation. In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol. 4. Ed. Kees Versteegh. Leiden: Brill, 2009. P. 1–4; 557–560.
Edzard, Lutz: Semitic and Arabic philology and linguistics in the 20th and 21st centuries: The modern evolution and re-emergence of an academic subject. In: Orientierungen 2 (2013), 48–66.
Edzard, Lutz: Semitic phonology and preference laws for syllable structure. In: Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslau. Vol. 1. Ed. Alan Kaye. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. P. 397-410.
Edzard, Lutz: Semitische Wurzelstruktur im Lichte eines polygenetischen linguistischen Modells. In: Akten des 27. Deutschen Orientalistentags (Bonn - 28. September bis 2. Oktober 1998). Norm und Abweichung. Hg. Stefan Wild, Hartmut Schild. Würzburg: Ergon, 2001. S. 601-613.
Edzard, Lutz: Sībawayhi’s observations on assimilatory processes and re-syllabification in the light of Optimality Theory. In: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 3 (2000/2001), 48–65.
Edzard, Lutz: Some aspects of compound formations in modern Semitic. In: Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon II. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Jan Retsö. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. P. 132–154.
Edzard, Lutz: Some Aspects of the Syriac and Arabic Versions of Aristotles’ Poetics. In: The Professorship of Semitic Languages at Uppsala University 400 Years. Jubilee Volume from a Symposium Held at the University Hall, 21–23 September 2005. Ed. Bo Isaksson. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 2007. P. 87-101.
Edzard, Lutz: Some thoughts about current issues in the didactics of Modern Standard Arabic and traditional and modern Arabic linguistics. In: Journal of the Association of Graduate Near Eastern Students 3 (1992), 11–15.
Edzard, Lutz: Stylistic elements in the use of Arabic as language in diplomacy: Recent developments in United Nations context. In: WI 36 (1996), 25–58.
Edzard, Lutz: Syntaktische und lexikalische Merkmale des Amharischen als Sprache in modernen diplomatischen Dokumenten: Die amharische Version der OAU-Charta. In: Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon I. Ed. Lutz Edzard, Jan Retsö. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005. S. 59–80.
Edzard, Lutz: The epexegetical genitive in Semitic and the sūra titles in the Qurʾān. In: From Tur Abdin to Hadramawt. Semitic Studies. Festschrift in Honour of Bo Isaksson on the occasion of his retirement. Ed. Tal Davidovich, Ablahad Lahdo, Torkel Lindquist. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. P. 49–58.
Edzard, Lutz: The finite–infinite dichotomy in a comparative Semitic perspective. In: Explorations in Ethiopian Linguistics: Complex Predicates, Finiteness and Interrogativity. Ed. Azeb Amha, Ronny Meyer, Yvonne Treis. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. P. 205–223.
Edzard, Lutz: The Greek and Arabic versions of Aristotles’ Poetics, with special reference to chapters 20 and 21. In: Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 39–40 (2008), 162-178.
Edzard, Lutz: The hypotaxis-parataxis dichotomy and elliptic conditional clauses in Semitic. In: Language and Nature. Papers Presented to John Huehnergard on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Ed. Rebecca Hasselbach, Naʿama Pat-El. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2012. P. 13–25.
Edzard, Lutz: The Marked Nominative in Arabic, Semitic, and Afroasiatic. In: Re-engaging Comparative Semitic and Arabic Studies. Ed. Daniel Birnstiel, Naʿama Pat-El. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018. P. 105–126.
Edzard, Lutz: The masʾala zunbūriyya from a Semitic and Afroasiatic Perspective. In: Approaches to the History and Dialectology of Arabic in Honor of Pierre Larcher. Ed. Manuel Sartori, Manuela Giolfo, Pierre Cassuto. Leiden: Brill, 2016. P. 102–116.
Edzard, Lutz: The Obligatory Contour Principle and dissimilation in Afroasiatic. In: Journal of Afroasiatic Languages 3 (1992), 152–171.
Edzard, Lutz: The opposition ‘nominative’ vs. ‘absolutive’ case in a Semitic perspective. In: Case and Mood Endings in Semitic Languages – Myth or Reality? Ed. Lutz Edzard, Manuel Sartori, Philippe Cassuto. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018. P. 184–203.
Edzard, Lutz: The philological approach to Arabic grammar. In: The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguisics. Ed. Jonathan Owens. Oxford: Oxford University, 2013. P. 165–184.
Edzard, Lutz: The qirāʾāt in the Qurʾān: an attempt at a typology. In: Understanding and Believing. A Comparative View of Theological Scriptural Hermeneutics. Ed. Mohammed Nekroumi, Lutz Edzard. Berlin: EB, 2020. P. 205–222.
Edzard, Lutz: Zu einer Jibbāli-vergleichend-semitischen Wortliste in arabischer Schrift. In: Nicht nur mit Engelszungen. Beiträge zur semitischen Dialektologie. Festschrift für Werner Arnold zum 60. Geburtstag. Hg. Renaud Kuty, Ulrich Seeger, Shabo Talay. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013. S. 87-94.
Edzard, Lutz: Zum Begriff der Seele im Semitischen. In: Seele. Dagmar Kiesel, Cleophea Ferrari. Frankfurt: Klostermann, 2017. S. 83-106.
Edzard, Lutz: Zum Verhältnis von Lehnbildung und genetischer Verwandtschaft im Semitischen. In: Neue Beiträge zur Semitistik. Fünftes Treffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft vom 15.–17. Februar 2012 an der Universität Basel. Hg. Viktor Golinets, Hanna Jenni, Hans-Peter Mathys, Samuel Sarasin. Münster: Ugarit, 2015. S. 19-33.
Haak, Martine, Rudolf de Jong und Kees Versteegh (Ed.): Approaches to Arabic Dialects. A Collection of Articles Presented to Manfred Woidich on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Leiden: Brill, 2004. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 159 (2009), 410-412.
Hamdan, Omar: Studien zur Kanonisierung des Korantextes. Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrīs Beiträge zur Geschichte des Korans. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 160 (2010), 478-480.
Heath, Jeffrey: Hassaniya Arabic (Mali): Poetic and Ethnographic Texts. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003. Rez.: L. Edzard: Anthropological Linguistics 48 (2006), 302–304.
Isaksson, Bo et al.: Circumstantial Qualifiers in Semitic. The Case of Arabic and Hebrew. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Rez.: L. Edzard: JAOS 131 (2011), 327–329.
James Dickins, J.: Sudanese Arabic: Phonematics and Syllable Structure. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 160 (2010), 471–473.
Kaye, Alan und Mauro Tosco: Pidgin and Creole Languages: A Basic Introduction. Munich: LINCOM, 2001. Rez.: L. Edzard: Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66 (2007), 153–155.
Kouloughli, Djamel Eddine: Le résumé de la grammaire arabe par Zamaḵšarī. Texte, traduction et commentaires. Lyon: ENS Éditions, 2007. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 161 (2011), 265–304.
Larcher, Pierre und Philippe Cassuto (Ed.): La Sémitologie, aujourd’hui. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence, 2000. Rez.: L. Edzard: JSS 49 (2004), 132-134.
Maman, Aharon: Comparative Semitic Philology in the Middle Ages. From Saʿadiah Gaon to Ibn Barūn (10th–12th Century). Leiden: Brill, 2004. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZAL 47 (2007), 90–94.
Marogy, Amal (Ed.): The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics. Leiden: Brill, 2016. Rez.: L. Edzard: OLZ 111 (2016), 376–378.
Nekroumi, Mohammed: Interrogation, Polarité et Argumentation. Vers une Theorie Structurale et Enonciative de la modalité en arabe classique. Hamburg: EB, 2003. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 159 (2009), 162-164.
Orfali, Bilal (Ed.): In the Shadow of Arabic: The Centrality of Language to Arabic Culture. Studies Presented to Ramzi Baalbaki on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. Leiden: Brill, 2011. Rez.: L. Edzard: OLZ 109 (2014), 239-239.
Peled, Yishai: Sentence Types and Word Order Patterns. Medieval and Modern Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, 2009. Rez.: L. Edzard: OLZ 106 (2011), 205–206.
Rubin, Aaron: Studies in Semitic Grammaticalization. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2005. Rez.: L. Edzard: ZDMG 158 (2008), 159–161.
Sawaie, Mohammed (Hg.): Ibn Kamal Pasha. Risāla fī taḥqīq taʿrīb al-kalima al-ʾaʿǧamiyya. Damascus: ?, 1991. Rez.: L. Edzard: WI 35 (1995), 154.
Versteegh, Kees: The Arabic Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University, 1997. Rev.: L. Edzard: WI 39 (1997), 264–266.
Voigt, Rainer Maria: Die infirmen Verbaltypen des Arabischen und das Biradikalismus-Problem. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1987. Rez.: L. Edzard: Al-ʿArabiyya 26 (1993), 158-159.
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