Edward Pococke (1604-1691) (Bibliography)

1. لمع من اخبار العرب. Specimen historiae Arabum, sive Gregorii AbulFarajii Malatiensisi, de origine et moribus Arabum succincta narration. Oxford: ?, 1650; Specimen historiae Arabum. Accessit historia veterum Arabum ex Abul’lfeda. Paris: ?, 1806. Rez.: Anon.: HJL 4 (1811), 593-598.

2. نظم الجوھر Contextio Gemmarum, sive Eutychii Patriarchae Alexandrini Annales, 2 vols. Oxford: ?, 1654-56.

3. لامية العجم Lamiato’l Ajam, Carmen Tograi, Poetae Arabis Doctissimi  … Accessit tractatus de prosodia Arabica. Oxford: ?, 1654-56.

4. تاريخ مختصر الدول Historia compendiosa dynastiarum, authore Gregorio Abul-Pharjio Malatiensi Medico Historiam complectens universalem, à mundo condito, usque ad tempora authoris, res orientalium accuratissime describens. Oxford: ?, 1663.

5. Aegyptische Merkwürdigkeiten alter und neuer Zeit, ein Auszug aus Herodot’s, Strabo’s, Plutarch’s und anderer alten Schriftsteller Werken und aus den neuen Reisenachrichten Shaw’s, Pocock’s, Norden’s, Niebuhr’s und Savary’s. 1-2. Leipzig: ?, 1786-1787. Rez.: Uf.: AdB 85 (1789), 230-231.

6. Bemerkungen über das Gedicht des Toghrai. Hg. S. F. G. Wahl. In: Magazin für alte, besonders morgenländische und biblische Literatur (1787), 59-76.

Augusti, Johann Christian Wilhelm: Arabische Miscellen. 1. Worte des Chalifen Radhi. 2. Wort-Spiel. 3. Probe des koranischen Spruch-Büchleins. In: Memorabilien des Orients. Jena: ?, 1802. S. 161-168. [1. Nach Abu l-Fidā’. 2. Aus Pococke’s Specimen hist. Arab.]

Beer, E. F. F.: Inscriptiones veteres literis et lingua hucusque incognitis ad montem Sinai magno numero servatae, quas Niebuhr, Pococke, Montagu, Coutelle, Seetzen, Burckhardt, de Laborde, Gray aliique descripserunt. Leipzig: ?, 1840. Rez.: S.: Repertorium der gesammten deutschen Literatur 27 (1841), 425-426.

Bobzin, Hartmut: Pococke (Pocock), Edward. In: RGG4 8 (2008), 1416.

Chesworth, John A.: Edward Pococke Junior. In: Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 13. Western Europe (1700-1800). Eds. David Thomas, John A. Chesworth. Leiden: Brill, 2019. pp. 53-54.

Daiber, Hans: The Reception of Islamic Philosophy at Oxford in the 17th Century: The Pococks’ (Father and Son) Contribution to the Understanding of Islamic Philosophy in Europe. In: The Introduction of Arabic Philosophy into Europe. Eds. C. E. Butterworth, B. A. Kessel. Leiden: Brill, 1994. S. 65-82.

Gürsoy-Naskalı, Emine: Pococke's Turkish exercise. In: Bodleian Library Record 13,2 (1989), 156-160.

Holt, P. M.: The study of Arabic historians in seventeenth century England: the background and the work of Edward Pococke. In: BSOAS 19 (1957), 444-455.

Kilpatrick, Hilary: Arabic private correspondence from seventeenth-century Syria: the letters to Edward Pococke. In: Bodleian Library Record 23 (2010), 20-40

Lane-Poole, Stanley: Pococke, Edward. In: Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) 46 (1896), 7-12.

Matar, Nabil: Edward Pococke. In: Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 8. Northern and Eastern Europe (1600-1700). Eds. David Thomas, John Chesworth. Leiden: Brill, 2016. pp. 445-458.

Matar, Nabil: Philosophus autodidactus. ‘Self-taught philosopher’. In: Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 13. Western Europe (1700-1800). Eds. David Thomas, John A. Chesworth. Leiden: Brill, 2019. pp. 54-57.

Michot, Yahya: Avicenna’s Almahad in 17th century England: Sandys, Pococke, Digby, Baron, Cudworth et alii ... In: Uluslararasi İbn Sînâ Sempozyumu. Bildiriler: 22-24 mayıs 2008, İstanbul, II. International Ibn Sina Symposium. Papers: May 22-24, 2008, Istanbul. II. Hg. Mehmet Mazak, Nevzat Özkaya. Istanbul: Kültür A.Ş., 2009. S. 299-318; 17. Yüzyıl İngilteresi’nde İbn Sînâ’nın Almahad’ı: Sandys, Pococke, Digby, Baron, Cudworth ve Diğerleri... Çev. Osman Baş. In: Ebd. S. 319-336.

Nahas, M.: A translation of Ḥayy b. Yaqẓān by the elder Edward Pococke (1604-1691). In: JAL 16 (1985), 88-90.

Purcell, Mark: Richard Allestree and Edward Pococke: an unrecorded Turkish manuscript at Christ Church. In: Bodleian Library Record 16,4 (1998), 360-362

Russell, G. A.: The impact of The Philosophus Autodidactus: Pocockes, John Locke, and the Society of Friends. In: The 'Arabick' interest of the natural philosophers in seventeenth-century England. Hg. G. A. Russell. Leiden: Brill, 1994. S. 224-265.

Toomer, G. J.: Edward Pococke’s Arabic translation of Grotius, De veritate.  In: Grotiana 33 (2012), 88-105.

بدوي, عبد الرحمان: موسوعات المستشرقين. بيروت: دار العلم للملايين, ١٩٩٣. ص 139-141.

حمدان ,عبد الحميد صالح: طبقات المستشرقين. مكتبة مدبولى. ص ١٤-١٦.

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