The Panegyric of the three holy children of Babylon (after 640) (Bibliography)

[The Panegyric of the three holy children of Babylon.] {MS Vat – Copt. 69, fols 103r-129v}; Vis, H. de: Homélies coptes de la Vaticane. II. Copenhagen: ?, 1929; Louvain: ?, 1990. pp. 64-120; Hoyland, Robert G.: Seeing Islam as others saw it. A survey and evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian writings on early Islam. Princeton: The Darwin, 1997. pp. 120-121; Suermann, Harald: Copts and the Islam of the seventh century. In: The encounter of Eastern Christianity with early Islam. Eds. Emmanuela Grypeou, Mark Swanson, David Thomas. Leiden: Brill, 2006. pp. 95-108;

Vis, H. de: Homélies coptes de la Vaticane. II. Copenhagen: ?, 1929; Louvain: ?, 1990. pp. 60-64.

Crone, Patricia and Michael Cook: Hagarism. The making of the Islamic world. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1977. pp. 155.

Suermann, Harald: Copts and the Islam of the seventh century. In: The encounter of Eastern Christianity with early Islam. Eds. Emmanuela Grypeou, Mark Swanson, David Thomas. Leiden: Brill, 2006. pp. 107-108.

Suermann, Harald: The Panegyric of the three holy children of Babylon. In: Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 1 (600-900). Ed. David Thomas, Barbara Roggema. Leiden: Brill, 2009. pp. 128-129.

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