Richard Ettinghausen (1906-1979) (Bibliographie)
Akurgal, Ekrem, Cyril Mango und Richard Ettinghausen: Die Türkei und ihre Kunstschätze. (Das Anatolien der frühen Königreiche. Byzanz. Die islamische Zeit.) Genf: ?, 1966. Rez.: B. Spuler: Das historisch-politische Buch 15 (1967), 158.
Arberry, A. J., M. Minovi, E. Blochet und J. V. S. Wilkinson: The Chester Beatty Library: A Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts and Miniatures, Vol. I, MSS. 101-150. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 4 (1961), 393-396.
Archer, Mildred und W. G. Archer: Indian Painting for the British. 1770-1880. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 11 (1957), 336.
Archer, Mildred: Natural History Drawings in the Indian Office Library. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: The Journal of Asian Studies 22 (1963), 250-252.
Archer, W. G.: Indian Painting: Fifteen Color Plates. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 4 (1961), 397-399.
Bär, Erika: Bibliographie zur deutschsprachigen Islamwissenschaft und Semitistik vom Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts bis heute. Bd. 2. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1991. S. 194-207.
Barrett, D.: Islamic Metalwork in the British Museum. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Islamica 15/16 (1951), 255-257.
Blair, Sheila S.: Preface. In: The Art and Architecture of Islam: 1250-1800. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1994. S. VII.
Brisch, Klaus: Richard Ettinghausen (1906-1979). In: Der Islam 57 (1980), 185-186.
Cook, Joan: Richard Ettinghausen, Teacher, A Leading Islamic Art Authority, Planned Turkish Exhibition, Taught at Princeton. In: New York Times (April 3, 1979), C18.
Creswell, K. A. C.: A Bibliography of the Architecture, Arts and Crafts of Islam to 1st Jan. 1960. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: JAOS 82 (1962), 395-396.
Debevoise, Neilson C.: Parthian Pottery from Seleucia on the Tigris. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology 3 (1934), 51-52.
Duda, Dorothea: Richard Ettinghausen (1906-1979). In: AS 33 (1979), 61-64.
Eastman, Alvan Clark: The Nala-Damayantī Drawings. A Study of a Portfolio of Drawings Made for Rājā Saṁsār Cand of Kāṅgṛā (1774-1823), Illustrating an Early Indian Romance; Twenty-Nine Drawings Now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, with the Addition of Nineteen Drawings from Other American Museums and from a Private Collection. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 4 (1961), 396-397.
Eilers, Wilhelm: Richard Ettinghausen. In: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München. Jahrbuch 1979. S. 247-248.
Ellinger, Ekkehard: Deutsche Orientalistik zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus 1933-1945. Edingen-Neckarhausen: Deux mondes, 2006. S. 476.
Erdmann, Hanna: Iranische Kunst in Deutschen Museen. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 30 (1968), 274.
Erdmann, Kurt: Der orientalische Knüpfteppich. Versuch einer Darstellung seiner Geschichte. Tübingen: Wasmuth, 1955. Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Oriens 11 (1958), 257-264.
Esin, Emel: Turkish Painting. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 24 (1961), 73-74.
Ettinghausen, Richard (Ed.): A selected and annotated bibliography of books and periodicals in Western languages dealing with the Near and Middle East, with special emphasis on medieval and modern times; Supplement. Washington: Middle East Institute, 1952-1954; 1975². Rez.: R. Sellheim: Oriens 8 (1955), 299-300; B. Spuler: Der Islam 31 (1954), 128-129; 32 (1957), 134; F. Taeschner: WI 2 (1953), 293-294; K. K. Key: The American Journal of International Law 47 (1953), 169; G. Kirk: Royal Institute of International Affairs 29 (1953), 253; E. Rossi: Oriente Moderno 33 (1953), 528; H. W. Glidden: Ars Orientalis 1 (1954), 249-250.
Ettinghausen, Richard (Hg.): Aus der Welt der islamischen Kunst. Festschrift Ernst Kühnel zum 75. Geburtstag am 26.10.1957. Berlin: Mann, 1959. Rez.: O. Grabar: Ars Orientalis 4 (1961), 419-422; J. Sourdel-Thomine: Arabica 8 (1961), 104-108.
Ettinghausen, Richard (Hg.): Islamic Art in the Metropolitan Museum. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1972. Rez.: Y. Crowe: Artibus Asiae 37 (1975), 150-162; R. Holod: International Journal of Middle East Studies 6 (1975), 351-354; J. Burton-Page: BSOAS 39 (1976), 713-714.
Ettinghausen, Richard und André Oleg Grabar: The Art and Architecture of Islam (650-1250). Middlesex: ?, 1987; New Haven (CT): Yale University, 2001. Rez.: J. M. Rogers: Apollo: the International Magazine of the Arts 156/490 (2002), 54-55; A. Malik: Muslim World Book Review 24 (2004), 70; P. P. Soucek: Studies in the Decorative Arts: the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture 12 (2004-2005), 152-155; Ü. Bates: Ars Orientalis 18 (1988), 209; B. Gray: The Burlington Magazine 130/1020 (1988), 231; G. R. D. King: BSOAS 52 (1989), 348-349; G. T. Scanlon: Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 27 (1990), 235-239; W. B. Denny: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 49 (1990), 331-332; P. P. Soucek: Studies in the Decorative Arts 12 (2004-2005), 152-155.
Ettinghausen, Richard und E. B. MacDougall (Hg.): The Islamic Garden. Washington: ?, 1976. Rez.: D. N. Wilber: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 36 (1977), 59-60; D. Levine: RACAR: revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 5 (1978-79), 150-151; J. D. Hoag: Artibus Asiae 41 (1979), 94-95; C. Thacker: Garden History 7 (1979), 21-23; G. T. Scanlon: International Journal of Middle East Studies 11 (1980), 139-141.
Ettinghausen, Richard und E. Schroeder: Iranian and Islamic Art. Cambridge: ?, 1941. Rez.: A. C. Weibel: Ars Islamica 10 (1943), 169-170.
Ettinghausen, Richard und Ehsan Yarshater (Hg.): Highlights of Persian Art. Boulder: Westview, 1979. Rez.: H. Erdmann: ZDMG 136 (1986), 656; F. Keshavarz: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1 (1986), 116-117; L. Komaroff: JAOS 107 (1987), 193; L. Diba: Iranian Studies 21 (1988), 128-136; B. G.: Bulletin of the Asia Institute 3 (1989), 124.
Ettinghausen, Richard und Grace D. Guest: The Iconography of a Kāshān Luster Plate. In: Ars Orientalis 4 (1961), 25-64.
Ettinghausen, Richard und Irma L. Fraad: Sultanate Painting in Persian Style. In: Chhavi: The Golden Jubilee Volume of the Bharat Kala Bhavan. Benaras: ?, 1972. S. 48-66, figs. 133-161.
Ettinghausen, Richard und M. L. Swietochowski: Arab, Indian, Persian and Turkish painting. In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 36 (1978), 1-48.
Ettinghausen, Richard und Willy Hartner: The Conquering Lion, the Life Cycle of a Symbol. In: Oriens 17 (1964), 161-171.
Ettinghausen, Richard, Ekrem Akurgal und Cyril Mango: The Islamic Period. In: Treasures of Turkey. Geneva: ?, 1966. S. 131-240.
Ettinghausen, Richard, Emil Gratzl und Keppel Archibald Cameron Creswell: Bibliographie der islamischen Einbandkunst, 1871-1956. In: Ars orientalis 2 (1957), 519-540.
Ettinghausen, Richard, Sabrina Michaud und Roland Michaud: Islamische Architekturornamente. In: Du 426 (1979), 18-76.
ETTINGHAUSEN, RICHARD. In: Encyclopaedia Iranica 9 (?), 62-63.
Ettinghausen, Richard: A Case of Traditionalism in Iranian Art. In: Forschungen zur Kunst Asiens in Memoriam Kurt Erdmann. Hg. O. Aslanapa, R. Naumann. Istanbul: ?, 1969. S. 88-110.
Ettinghausen, Richard: A fourteenth century metal bowl. In: Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology 4 (1935), 40-43.
Ettinghausen, Richard: A Persian Treasure. In: Arts in Virginia 8 (1967), 29-41.
Ettinghausen, Richard: A signed and dated Seljuq Qurʼan. In: Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology 4 (1935), 92-102.
Ettinghausen, Richard: A. G. Wenley (1889 - 1962). In: Cosmos Club Bulletin 16 (1963), 204.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Abrī painting. In: Studies in memory of G. Wiet. Jerusalem: ?, 1977. S. 345-356.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Ägyptische Holzschnitzereien aus islamischer Zeit. In: Berliner Museen 54 (1933), 17-20.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Al-Ghazzālī on Beauty. In: Art and Thought, issued in Honour of Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. Ed. K. Bharatna Iyer. London: ?, 1947. S. 160-165; ND: Fine arts of Islamic civilization (A collection of essays by art historians). Ed. with an introd. by Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg. Cambridge: M. A. J. Beg, 2006. S. 25-35.
Ettinghausen, Richard: An Early Islamic Glass-Making Center. In: Record of the Museum of Historic Art 1 (1942), 4-7.
Ettinghausen, Richard: An Exhibition of the Ancient Arts of Muslim Countries in Lahore. In: West Pakistan I/8 (1958), 21-27.
Ettinghausen, Richard: An Illuminated Manuscript of Ḥāfiz-i Abrū in Istanbul Part I. In: Kunst des Orients 2 (1955), 30-44.
Ettinghausen, Richard: An Introduction to Modern Persian Painting. In: Iran Faces the Seventies. Ed. Ehsan Yar-Shater. New York: ?, 1971. S. 341-348.
Ettinghausen, Richard: An Umaiyad Pound Weight. In: The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 2 (1939), 73-76.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Ancient carpets from the collection of the L. A. Mayer Memorial Institute for Islamic Art. Jerusalem: ?, 1977.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Ancient Glass in the Freer Gallery of Art. Washington: ?, 1962.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Arab painting. Genf: ?, 1962; Arabische Malerei. Genf: Editions d’art Albert Skira, 1962; Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1979²; La peinture arabe. Übers. Yves Rivière. Geneva: Skira Flammarion, 1977. Rez.: A. Grohmann: BiOr 22 (1965), 94-98; E. Kühnel: Kunst des Orients 4 (1963), 115-117; J. Sourdel-Thomine: Peinture arabe et société musulmane. À propos d'un livre récent. In: Revue des Études Islamiques 31 (1963), 115-121; D. Duda: WZKM 58 (1962), 265-267; C. Bourniquel: Esprit 308 (1962), 179-180; E. Kühnel: Kunst des Orients 4 (1963), 115-117; G. K. Bosch: Art Journal 22 (1963), 276, 278; E. J. Grube: The Art Bulletin 47 (1965), 375-376.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Arabic Epigraphy: Communication or Symbolic Affirmation. In: Studies in Honor of George C. Miles. Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History. Beirut: ?, 1974. S. 297-317.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Art of Islamic Period, Bibliography. In: 7000 Years of Iranian Art Circulated by the Smithsonian Institution 1964 – 1965. Washington: ?, 1964. S. 50-51.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Avicenna Millenium Celebration. In: Middle East Report VI/18 (1954), 5.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Bibliography of the Writings of J. V. S. Wilkinson. In: Ars Orientalis 3 (1959), 259-262.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Bibliography of the Writings of K. A. C. Creswell. In: Ars Orientalis 2 (1957), 509-512.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Bibliography of the Writings of Mehdi Bahrami. In: Ars Orientalis 2 (1957), 625-627.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Catalogue. An Exhibition of Islamic Art at the Ohio State Museum, July-August 1956. Columbus: ?, 1956.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Chinese Representations of Central Asian Turks. In: Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte Asiens. Festschrift für Ernst Diez. Istanbul: ?, 1963. S. 208-222.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Comments on later Iranian Ceramics. A review article based on Arthur Lane, Later Islamic pottery. In: Artibus Asiae 35 (1973), 165-169.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Comments on the Nature of Islamic Art and its Symbols. In: Islamic Culture: What Do We Mean by It? International Islamic Colloquium Papers, December 29, 1957 – January 8, 1958, 7 – 9. Lahore: ?, 1960; Pakistan Quarterly 8 (1960), 39-40.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Dated Persian ceramics in some American Museums. In: Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology 4 (1936), 145-151, 222-228.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Der Einfluß der angewandten Künste und der Malerei des Islams auf die Künste Europas. Übers. Claus P. Haase. In: Das Vermächtnis des Islams. 2. Hg. Joseph Schacht, C. E. Bosworth. München: DTV, 1983. S. 61-84.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Des Menschen Werk. In: Welt des Islam. Geschichte und Kultur im Zeichen des Propheten. Hg. Bernard Lewis. Braunschweig: ?, 1976. S. 57-88.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Die angewandten Künste und die Malerei: Merkmale und Wirkungsbereich. Übers. Claus P. Haase. In: Das Vermächtnis des Islams. 2. Hg. Joseph Schacht, C. E. Bosworth. München: DTV, 1983. S. 41-60.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Die bildliche Darstellung der Kaʻba im islamischen Kulturkreis. In: ZDMG 87 (1934), 111-137.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Die islamische Zeit. In: Die Türkei und ihre Kunstschätze. Hg. Ekrem Akurgal, Cyril Mango, Richard Ettinghausen. Genf: ?, 1966. S. ?
Ettinghausen, Richard: Early Realism in Islamic Art. In: Studie orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida. Roma: ?, 1956. S. 250-273.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Early Shadow Figures. In: Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology 6 (1934), 10-15.
Ettinghausen, Richard: El ambiente artificial. In: El mundo del Islam: gente, cultura y fe. Ed. dir. Ed. Bernard Lewis. Barcelona: Destino, 1995. S. 65-101.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Evidence for the identification of Kāšān pottery. In: Ars Islamica 3 (1936), 44-75.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Foreward. In: Turkish Miniatures. Washington: ?, 1966.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Foundation-mouldes Leatherwork – A Rare Egyptian Technique also used in Britain. In: Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture in Honour of Professor K. A. C. Creswell. Kairo: ?, 1965. S. 63-71.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Friedrich Sarre – on the Occasion of His One-Hundredth Birthday. In: Pantheon 23 (1965), 319.
Ettinghausen, Richard: From Byzantium to Sassanian Iran and the Islamic World: Three Modes of Artistic Influence. Leiden: Brill, 1972. Rez.: E. J. Keall: JAOS 95 (1975), 499-502; C. Delvoye: L'Antiquité Classique 42 (1973), 744; A. D. H. Bivar: BSOAS 37 (1974), 698-699; G. Fehérvári: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2 (1974), 178-180; D. N. Wilber: Artibus Asiae 37 (1975), 162; E. C. Dodd: The Art Bulletin 57 (1975), 267-270; E. J. Keall: JAOS 95 (1975), 499-502; O. Grabar: International Journal of Middle East Studies 7 (1976), 293-296; D. Thompson: JNES 35 (1976), 199-201.
Ettinghausen, Richard: From Persia’s Ancient Looms. In: The Textile Museum (Jan. 23 – Sept. 30, 1972).
Ettinghausen, Richard: Further comments on Mamluk playin cards. In: Gathering in honour of Dorothy E. Miner. Baltimore: ?, 1974. S. 51-78.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Further Comments on the Wade Cup. In: Ars Orientalis 3 (1959), 197-200.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Herzfeld, Ernst Emil. In: NDB 8 (1969), 733f.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Important pieces of Persian pottery in London collections. In: Ars Islamica 2 (1935), 45-64.
Ettinghausen, Richard: In Memoriam Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy (1877 – 1947). In: Ars Islamica 15/16 (1951), 259.
Ettinghausen, Richard: In Memoriam Ernst Cohn-Wiener, 1882 – 1941. In: Ars Islamica 9 (1942), 238-239.
Ettinghausen, Richard: In Memoriam Ernst Herzfeld (1879-1948). In: Ars Islamica 15-16 (1951), 261-266.
Ettinghausen, Richard: In memoriam Ernst Kühnel (26.10.1882 – 5.8.1964). In: Madrider Mitteilungen 6 (1965), 215-236.
Ettinghausen, Richard: In Memoriam George Eumorfopoulos (1863 – 1939). In: Ars Islamica 7 (1940), 123.
Ettinghausen, Richard: In Memoriam John Ellerton Lodge, 1878 – 1942. In: Ars Islamica 9 (1942), 239-240.
Ettinghausen, Richard: In Memoriam: The Publications of Jean Sauvaget. In: Ars Orientalis 1 (1954), 208-213.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Inscriptions on the Caracanserai at Yazd-i Khwāst. In: Contributions to the Anthropology of Iran, Anthropological Series, Field Museum of Natural History 29 (1939), 568-572.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Interaction and Integration in Islamic Art. In: Unity and Variety in Muslim Civilization. Ed. Gustave E. von Grunebaum. Chicago: ?, 1955. S. 107-131.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Introduction. Drawings of the Islamic World. In: Great Drawings of All Time 4. Ed. Moscovitz. New York: ?, 1962.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Introduction. In: Exhibition of Modern Paintings of Youssef Sida Under the Patronage of H. E. the Egyptian Ambassador, July 17 – 29, 1952. District of Columbia Public Library, Georgetown Branch. Washington: ?, 1952.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Introduction. Turkish Miniatures from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Century. New York: ?, 1965; Miniatures turques. Paris: ?,; Turkse miniaturen. Amsterdam: ?; Miniature turche dal XIII al XVIII secolo. Milano: ?; Türkische Miniaturen vom 13. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. München: ?; Miniatures turcas. Buenos Aires: ?
Ettinghausen, Richard: Iran under Islam. In: 7000 Years of Iranian Art Circulated by the Smithsonian Institution 1964 – 1965. Washington: ?, 1964. S. 33-46.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islam in World Literature. In: Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 20 (1971), 58-60.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islamic Art and Archaeology. (Translated into Arabic by Muhammad Mustafa Ziyada). In: Middle East in the Writings of Americans. Ed. Majid Khadduri. Cairo: ?, 1953. S. 63-107.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islamic Art and Archaeology. Collected Papers. Prepared and edited by Myriam Rosen-Ayalon. Berlin: Mann, 1984. Rez.: H. Erdmann: ZDMG 136 (1986), 205; G. T. Scanlon: Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies) 14 (1987), 89-90.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islamic Art and Archaeology. In: Near Eastern Culture and Society. Ed. T. Cuyler Young. Princeton: ?, 1951. S. 17-47.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islamic Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Almost one hundred years ago. In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 30 (1972), 1-8.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islamic Art. In: Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 29 (1970), 83-86.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islamic Carpets: The Joseph V. McMullan Collection. In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 28 (1970), 401-403.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Islamische Kunst. Meisterwerke aus dem Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The arts of Islam. Masterpieces from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Ausstellung für Islamische Kunst 20.6. – 23.8.1981. Übersetzt von Klaus Brisch. Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 1981.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Jean-León Gérôme as a Painter of Near Eastern Subjects. In: Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824 – 1904). An Exhibition Organized by Bruce H. Evans. Wirth Introduction and Commentaries by Gerald M. Ackerman at the Dayton Art Institute, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Walters Art Gallery. Dayton: ?, 1972. S. 16-27.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Kufesque in Byzantine Greece, the Latin West and the Muslim World. In: Colloquium in Memory of G. C. Miles (1904-1975). New York: ?, 1976. S. 28-47.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Kurt Erdmann (1901-1964). In: Der Islam 41 (1965), 253-260.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Les éléments decoratifs turcs des objets en or et argent; Un tissu de première époque Ottomane. In: Premier Congrès international des arts turcs, organisé par l’Institut de l’histoire des arts turcs et musulmans attaché à la Faculté de Théologie (Université d’Ankara) 19-24 Oct. 1959, Faculté des Lettres, Ankara. Addresses, essays, lecutres. Ankara: ?, 1959. S. 87-89.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Manuscript Illumination. In: A Survey of Persian Art 3 (1939), 1937-1974; 6 (1939), 926-950.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Masterpieces from Turkey. A Color Portfolio Created by Skira on the Occasion of the Exhibition „Art Treasures from Turkey“. Geneva: ?, 1966.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Masterpieces of Iranian Rugs and Textiles, June 9 – September 12, 1964. Washington: Textile Museum, 1964.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Medieval Near Eastern Ceramics in the Freer Gallery of Art. Washington: ?, 1960.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Metalwork from Islamic Countries. In: Catalogue for Exhibition of February 25 – March 11, 1943, in the Rackham Building, Research Seminary in Islamic Art, Institute of Fine Arts. University of Michigan. ?, 1943.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Muslim Cities: Old and New. In: From Madina to Metropolis: Heritage and Change in the Near Eastern City. Ed. L. C. Brown. Princeton: ?, 1972. S. 290-318, figs. 86-101.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Muslim decorative arts and painting – their nature and impact on the medieval West. In: Islam and the medieval West. Compiled and edited by S. Ferber. Binghamton: ?, 1975. S. 5-26.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Near Eastern book covers and their influence on European bindings, a report on the exhibition of „History of Bookbindings“ at the Baltimore Museum of Art 1957-58. In: Ars Orientalis 3 (1958), 113-131.
Ettinghausen, Richard: New affiliations for a classical Persian pottery type. In: Parnassus 3 (1936), 10-12, 20.
Ettinghausen, Richard: New Light on Early Animal Carpets. In: Aus der Welt der islamischen Kunst. Festschrift Ernst Kühnel zum 75. Geburtstag am 26.10.1957. Hg. Richard Ettinghausen. Berlin: Mann, 1959. S. 93-116.
Ettinghausen, Richard: New Pictorial Evidence of Catholic Activity in Mughal India (Early XVIIth Century). In: Perennitas. Festschrift für Thomas Michels zum 70. Geburtstag. Münster: ?, 1963. S. 385-396.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Notes on the Lusterware of Spain. In: Ars Orientalis 1 (1954), 133-156.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Obituary Notice, Friedrich Sarre. In: College Art Journal (1946), 359-360.
Ettinghausen, Richard: On Some Mongol Miniatures. In: Kunst des Orients 3 (1959), 44-65.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Originality and Conformity in Islamic Art. In: Individualism and Conformity in Classical Islam. Ed. Amin Banain, Speros Vryonis. Wiesbaden: ?, 1977. S. 83-114.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Outstanding Recent Accessions (The Houghton Shah-Nameh). In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 30 (1971), 90.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Painting in the Fatimid Period: A Reconstruction. In: Ars Islamica 9 (1942), 112-124.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Paintings of the Sultans and Emperors of India in American Collections. New Delhi: Sanyal, 1962. Rez.: S. Kramrisch: Artibus Asiae 24 (1961), 146; E. Kühnel: Kunst des Orients 4 (1963), 119.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Parthian and Sāsānian Pottery. In: A Survey of Persian Art 1 (1938), 646-680; 4 (?), 179-196.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Persian Ascension Miniatures of the Fourteenth Century. In: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, XII Convegno „Volta“, promosso dalle classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Thema: Oriente e occidente nel medioevo. Roma: ?, 1957. S. 360-383.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Persian Elements in the Morgan Bidpai Cycle. In: The Art Bulletin 23 (1941), 115-116.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Persian Miniatures in Bernard Berenson Collection. Milano: ?, 1961.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Polemik im Koran. Frankfurt: Diss., 1934; [Teildruck:] Antiheidnische Polemik im Koran. Gelnhausen: Kalbfleisch, 1934.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Postscript to O. N. Bader „A Sasanian Vessel from Kungur“. In: Ars Islamica 15/16 (1951), 141-142.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Pre-Mughal Painting in India. In: Proceedings of the XXVth International Congress of Orientalists, August 9 – 16, 1960, Moscow, IV. Moskau: ?, 1963. S. 191-192.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Professor Kühnel’s Scholarly Achievements. In: Second presentation of the Charles Lang Freer Medal, 5 – 8. Freer Gallery of Art, May 3, 1960. Washington: ?, 1960.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Rudolf Berliner: Bibliographie. In: In Honor of Rudolf Berliner, April 14th, 1966, on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday. München: Privatdruck, 1966. S. 11-14.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Sasanian and Islamic Metal-Work in Baltimore. In: Apollo 58 (1966), 465-469.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Six Thousand Years of Persian Art. In: Ars Islamica 7 (1940), 108-117.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Some Comments on Medieval Iranian Art. In: Artibus Asia 31 (1969), 276-300.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Some Deccani Miniatures in the United States. In: MARG 16 (1963), 14-16.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Some Paintings in four Istanbul Albums. In: Ars Orientalis 1 (1954), 91-103.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Studies in Muslim Iconography I: The Unicorn. Washington: [Smithsonian Institution], 1950. Rez.: W. Ley: The Scientific Monthly 72 (1951), 198; D. S. Rice: BSOAS 17 (1955), 172-174; E. Kühnel: Kunst des Orients 3 (1959), 90.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Stylistic Tendencies at the Time of Shah ʻAbbas. In: Iranian Studies 7 (1974), 593-628.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Supplementary Notes to K. Holter’s Check List of Islamic Illuminated Manuscripts before A.D. 1350. In: Ars Islamica 7 (1940), 148-164.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The „Beveled Style“ in the Post-Samarra Period. In: Archaeologica Orientalia in Memoriam Ernst Herzfeld. Ed. George C. Miles. Locust Valley: ?, 1952. S. 72-83.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The „Mesopotamian“ Style in Luster Painting. In: Artibus Asiae 18 (1955), 294-306.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The „Snake-Eating Stag“ in the East. In: Late Classical and Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Albert Mathias Frid. Ed. Kurt Weitzmann. Princeton: ?, 1955. S. 272-286.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The „Wade Cup“ in the Cleveland Museum of Art, its Origin and Decoration. In: Ars Orientalis 2 (1957), 327-366.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Andarz Nama. Some Remarks on the Style and the Iconography. In: A Survey of Persian Art from the Prehistoric Times to the Present. Ed. Arthur Upham Pope, Phyllis Ackermann. London: ?, 1968.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Arts of Iran at the Time of Avicenna. In: Le livre du millenaire d’Avicenne: Conférence des membres du Congrès d’Avicenne… 22 – 27 Avril 1954. Teheran: ?, 1956. S. 132-138.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Bobrinski „Kettle“, Patron and Style of an Islamic Bronze. In: Gazette des Beaux-Arts 24 (1943), 193-208.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Boston Hunting Carpet in Historical Perspectives. In: Boston Museum Bulletin 69/355-356 (1971), 70-81.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Bustan Manuscript of Sultan Nasir Shah Khalji. In: MARG 12 (1959), 42-43.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The categorization of Persian painting. In: Studies in Judaism and Islam, presented to Shelomo Dov Goitein ... Eds. Shelomo Morag, Issachar Ben-Ami, Norman A. Stillman. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1981. S. 55-63.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Ceramic Art in Islamic Times. B. Dated faience. In: A Survey of Persian Art 2 (1939), 1667-1696. Rez.: F. E. Day: Ars Islamica 8 (1941), 49-58.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Character of Islamic Art. In: The Arab Heritage. Ed. Nabih Amin Faris. Princeton: Princeton University, 1944. S. 251-268.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Covers of the Morgan Manāfiʼ Manuscript and Other Earyl Persian Bookbindings. In: Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene. Ed. Dorothy E. Miner. Princeton: ?, 1954. S. 459-473.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Dance with Zoomorphic Masks and other Forms of Entertainment seen in Islamic Art. In: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A. R. Gibb. Ed. George Makdisi. Leiden: Brill, 1965. S. 211-224.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Emperor’s Choice. In: Essays in Honor of Erwin Panofsky I. Ed. Millard Meiss. Zürich: ?, 1960; New York: ?, 1961. S. 98-120; II. Pls. 1735.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Flowering of Seljuk Art. In: Metropolitan Museum Journal 3 (1970), 113-131.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Illuminations in the Cairo Mosche-b.-Asher-Codex of the Prophets by R. H. Pinder Wilson. In: Der hebräische Bibeltext seit Franz Delitzsch. Hg. Paul Kahle. Stuttgart: ?, 1961. S. 95-98.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Immanent Features of Persion Art; Reflections on Recent Exhibitions. In: Connaisseur 157/653 (1966), 207-212; ND: Highlights of Persian art. Eds. Richard Ettinghausen, Ehsan Yarshater. Boulder: Westview, 1979. S. XIII-XVIII.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Islamic Period. In: Art Treasures of Turkey. Washington: ?, 1966. S. 47-66.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The man-made setting: Islamic Art and Architecture. In: World of Islam. Ed. Bernard Lewis. London: ?, 1976. S. 57-58.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Shah-Nameh Film. In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 30 (1972), 252-254.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The taming of the horror vacui in Islamic Art. In: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 123 (1979), 15-23.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The throne and banquet hall of Khirbat al-Mafjar. In: Early Islamic art and architecture. Ed. Jonathan M. Bloom. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002. S. 283-332.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Uses of Sphero-Conical Vessels in the Muslim East. In: JNES 24 (1965), 218-229.
Ettinghausen, Richard: The Writings of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. In: Ars Islamica 9 (1942), 125-142.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Turkish Elements on Silver Objects of the Seljuk Period of Iran; An Early Ottoman Textile. In: Communications Presented to the Congress, International Congress of Turkish Arts 1st, Ankara. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1961. S. 128-133; 133-140.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Two signed Minaʼi Bowls. In: Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology 5 (1937), 29-32.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Usṭurat Waḥīd al-qarn fī l-šarq wa-l-ġarb. In: Fikrun wa Fann 5 (1965), 18-32.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Widmungsadresse zu: Aus der Welt der islamischen Kunst. Festschrift Ernst Kühnel. In: Aus der Welt der islamischen Kunst. Festschrift Ernst Kühnel zum 75. Geburtstag am 26.10.1957. Hg. Richard Ettinghausen. Berlin: Mann, 1959. S. 9-10.
Ettinghausen, Richard: World awareness and human relationships in Iranian painting. In: Highlights of Persian art. Eds. Richard Ettinghausen, Ehsan Yarshater. Boulder: Westview, 1979. S. 242-271.
Ettinghausen, Richard: Yemenite Bible manuscripts of the XVth century. In: Eretz-Israel 7 (1964), 32*-39*.
Eyice, Semavi: ETTINGHAUSEN, Richard (1906-1979). Amerikalı İslâm sanatı tarihçisi. In: DİA 11 (1995), 501-502.
Farnham, Thomas J.: From Lessing to Ettinghausen: the first century of Safavid carpet studies. In: Halı: Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art 154 (2007), 80-91.
Ghirshman, Roman: Rapport préliminaire I. Cinq campagnes de fouilles à Suse (1946-1951). ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 1 (1954), 220-223.
Goitein, S. D.: Jews and Arabs. Their Contacts through the Ages. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 2 (1957), 591-594.
Grabar, Oleg: Richard Ettinghausen. In: Artibus Asiae 41 (1979), 280-284.
Gray, Basil und André Godard: Iran. Persian Miniatures. Imperial Library. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 3 (1959), 217-220.
Gray, Basil: Persian Painting from Miniatures of the XIII. XVI. Centuries. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Islamica 7 (1940), 121-122.
Hamlin, Talbot: Architecture through the Ages. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Islamica 9 (1942), 232-234.
Hillenbrand, Robert: Richard Ettinghausen and the iconography of Islamic art. In: Discovering Islamic art: scholars, collectors and collections, 1850-1950. Ed. S. Vernoit. London: Tauris, 2000. S. 171-181.
İpșiroğlu, M. Ș. und S. Eyüboğlu: Fatih Albumuna Bir Bakiș. Sur l'Album du Conquérant. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 2 (1957), 565-567.
Islamic art historians: Josef Strzygowski, K.A.C. Creswell, Leo Aryeh Mayer, Ernest Hanbury Hankin, Wijdan Ali, Arthur Pope, Richard Ettinghausen, Jean-Paul Roux, Oleg Grabar. Memphis: Books LLC, 2010.
Jenkins, Marilyn: Richard Ettinghausen [1906 - 1979]. In: Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 13 (1979), 115-116.
Kleinbauer, W. Eugene: Modern Perspectives in Western Art History: An Anthology of 20th-Century Writings on the Visual Arts. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. S. 89.
Knobloch, Edgar: Beyond the Oxus: Archaeology, Art and Architecture of Central Asia. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 28 (1974), 70-71.
Kühnel, Ernst: The arabesque. Meaning and transformation of an ornament. Trans. Richard Ettinghausen. Graz: ?, 1977.
Kühnel, Ernst: Die islamischen Elfenbeinskulpturen. 8.-13. Jahrhundert. Vorwort von Irene Kühnel-Kunze. Berlin: Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 1972. Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 39 (1977), 98-100.
Landau, Rom: The Arabesque. The Abstract Art of Islam. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 18 (1955), 339-340; 19 (1956), 91.
Landau, Rom: The Kasbas of Southern Morocco. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 24 (1970), 248-249.
Lane, Arthur und Eldred Hitchcock: Islamic Pottery from the Ninth to the Fourteenth Centuries A.D. (Third to Eighth Centuries A. H.) in the Collection of Sir Eldred Hitchcock. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 3 (1959), 216-217.
Lillys, William: The Story of Rustam. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 22 (1959), 268.
Minorsky, V.: The Chester Beatty Library: A Catalogue of the Turkish Manuscripts and Miniatures. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 4 (1961), 385-393.
Mitsukumi, Yoshida und John M. Shields: In Search of Persian Pottery. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 36 (1974), 161-162.
Moghadam, Mohamad E. und Yahya Armajani: Descriptive Catalog of the Garrett Collection of Persian, Turkish and Indic Manuscripts, including Some Miniatures in the Princeton University Library. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Islamica 7 (1940), 120-121.
Nelson, D. M.: The writings of Richard Ettinghausen. In: Archives of Asian Art 33 (1980), 112-113.
Olschki, Leonardo: Guillaume Boucher, a French Artist at the Court of the Khans. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 1 (1947), 95-97.
Pearson, J. D. und D. S. Rice: Islamic Art and Archaeology. A Register of Work Published in the Year 1954. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 3 (1959), 215-216.
Pinder-Wilson, R.: Paintings from Islamic Lands. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Kunst des Orients 7 (1970/71), 169-174.
Porada, Edith: Richard Ettinghausen (5. Februar 1906 – 2. April 1979). In: AfO 27 (1980), 327-328.
Porada, Edith: Richard Ettinghausen. In: Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society (1979), 58-61.
Randhawa, Mohinder Singh und John Kenneth Galbraith: Indian Painting. The Scene, Themes and Legends. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Kunst des Orients 6 (1969), 79.
Rice, D. S.: Le Baptistère de St. Louis ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 1 (1954), 245-249.
Rice, Tamara Talbot: The Seljuks in Asia Minor. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 16 (1962), 390.
Rosenthal, Franz: Four Essays on Art and Literature in Islam. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 34 (1972), 353-354.
Ruska, Julius, Hellmut Ritter, Friedrich Sarre und Rudolf Winderlich: Orientalische Steinbücher und persische Fayencentechnik. Istanbul: ?, 1935. Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology 4 (1935), 46-49.
Scerrato, Umberto: Monuments of Civilization: Islam. Translation from the Italian, with a foreword by Richard Ettinghausen. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1976. Rez.: J. M. Rogers: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 36 (1977), 282-283.
Schmidt, Erich F.: The Treasury of Persepolis and Other Discoveries in the Homeland of the Achaemenians. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Islamica 7 (1940), 173-176.
Sezgin, Fuat u. a. (Hg.): Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Arabistik und Islamkunde von den Anfängen bis 1986 nebst Literatur über die arabischen Länder der Gegenwart. Dreizehnter Band. Autoren C - F. Frankfurt: IGAIW, 1992. S. 297-299.
Soucek, Priscilla P. (Hg.): Content and context of visual arts in the Islamic world. Papers from a colloquium in memory of Richard Ettinghausen, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, April 1980. London: ?, 1988. Rez.: M. Barrucand: Der Islam 70 (1993), 348-350.
Soucek, Priscilla P.: Richard Ettinghausen (1906-1979). In: Archives of Asian Art 33 (1980), 111-112.
Taboroff, J. H.: Bibliography of the Writings of Richard Ettinghausen. In: Studies in Art and Litterature of the Near East. Ed. P. J. Chelkowski. New York: ?, 1974. S. 5-25.
The Mosques of Egypt from 21 H. (641) to 1365 H. (1946), Being a Series of Views in Colour and Monochrome of the Principal Mosques of Egypt with a Brief Note on Each Monument Describing Its History and Architectural Features Accompanied by Detailed Plans and Maps. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Ars Orientalis 2 (1957), 544-545.
Ünal, Rahim Hüseyin: Les Monuments islamiques anciens de la ville d'Erzurum et de sa région. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Kunst des Orients 6 (1969), 77-78.
Welch, Stuart Cary: Imperial Mughal Painting. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Artibus Asiae 40 (1978), 233.
Wiet, Gaston und Seymour Feiler: Cairo, City of Art and Commerce. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 19 (1965), 243.
Wilber, Donald N.: Persian Gardens and Garden Pavilions. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 16 (1962), 546-547.
Wulff, Hans E.: The Traditional Crafts of Persia, Their Development, Technology, and Influence on Eastern and Western Civilizations. ?; Mitsukuni, Yashida und Koyama Kihei: Western Asia at Work. ? Rez.: R. Ettinghausen: Middle East Journal 21 (1967), 528-529.
عقيقي، نجيب: المستشرقون. موسوعة في تراث العرب مع تراجم المستشرقين ودراساتهم عنه منذ ألف عام حتى اليوم. ٣. القاهرة: دار المعارف, ٢١٩٨٠. ص ١٦٩-١٧٠.
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