Ishoyahb III / Īšōʻyahḇ III إيشوعياب الثالث (580-659) (Bibliography)
Ktābā d-buyyāʾē awkit d-egrātā. [628-659.] {MS Vat. - Syr. 157; MS Mosul, Chaldean Patriarchate 112 (now possibly in Baghdad, Chaldean Patriarchate); MS Mardin, Chaldean Bishopric - 78; MS Leeds, Collection Wallis Budge - Syr. 4.1; MS Alqosh, Notre-Dame des Semences - 172; MS Baghdad, Chaldean Monastery - Syr. 515; MS BNF - Syr. 336; MS Baghdad, Chaldean Monastery - Syr. 516; MS Baghdad, Chaldean Monastery - Syr. 517; MS Vat. - Syr. 493.}; Duval, R.: Išoʿyahb Patriarchae III liber epistularum. Letter 48, Vol. 1. P. 92-97; Vol. 2. P. 71-74; Letter 14. Vol. 1. P. 247-255; Vol. 2. P. 179-184; Scott-Moncrieff, P.: The Book of consolations or the Pastoral epistles of Mâr Îshô-yahbh of Kûphlânâ in Adiabene. London: ?, 1904; Budge, E. A. W.: The Book of governors. The Historia monastica of Thomas, Bishop of Margâ A.D. 840. London: ?, 1893. Vol. 2. P. 132-147, 154-174 (Letter 14: P. 154-158).
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